Jan 22, 2017
Be the Igniter
Series: Sermons by Pastor Don Bittick
Pastor Don Bittick preaches about being charged for God and igniting others in our lives. Orig. 1/22/17. Released: 2017.
- Jan 22, 2017Be the Igniter
Jan 22, 2017Be the IgniterSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about being charged for God and igniting others in our lives. Orig. 1/22/17. Released: 2017.
- Jan 15, 2017Leadership
Jan 15, 2017LeadershipSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick calls on the church to pick up the responsibility of prayer for our families, church and nation. Orig. 1/15/17. Released: 2017.
- Dec 18, 2016The Fight Is Fixed
Dec 18, 2016The Fight Is FixedSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about how victory is a way of life through Christ. Orig. 12/18/16. Released: 2016.
- Dec 11, 2016Christ in You, You in Christ
Dec 11, 2016Christ in You, You in ChristSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about how God is always going to encounter you first and that just because God encounters you, it doesn't mean you've encountered him. Orig. 12/11/16. Released: 2016.
- Dec 4, 2016Broken Pieces
Dec 4, 2016Broken PiecesSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about how God will protect you in the storms of your life even when you don't know Him. Orig. 12/4/16. Released: 2016.
- Nov 27, 2016Don’t Forget Where You Came From
Nov 27, 2016Don’t Forget Where You Came FromSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about being excited for God and for church. Orig. 11/27/16. Released: 2016.
- Nov 20, 2016Keeping Focused
Nov 20, 2016Keeping FocusedSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about the distractions in our lives that take us away from being disciples of God. Orig. 11/20/16. Released: 2016.
- Oct 30, 2016I Seek Not Yours
Oct 30, 2016I Seek Not YoursSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about the purpose of tithing. Orig. 10/30/16. Released: 2016.
- Oct 23, 2016The Snake Line
Oct 23, 2016The Snake LineSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about how we need to live above the sin in our lives. Orig. 10/23/16. Released: 2016.
- Oct 16, 2016Transforming Into His Image
Oct 16, 2016Transforming Into His ImageSeries: Sermons by Pastor Don BittickPastor Don Bittick preaches about transformation in the Christian life. Orig. 10/16/16. Released: 2016.